Celebration Ministries

General Addictions

Chemical Addiction

If you find you cannot quit drinking or using entirely, or if you have little control over the amount you consume, you are probably an alcoholic and/or an addict. If that is the case, you may be suffering from a problem which only a spiritual solution will conquer.

The Problem

· Have you ever decided to stop drinking and/or using for a week or so, but it only lasted for a couple of days?

· Do you wish people would mind their own business about your drinking and/or using, and stop telling you what to do?

· Have you ever switched from one kind of drink or drug to another in the hope that this would keep you from losing control?


The Solution

Celebrate Recovery does not promise to solve your life’s problems, but it can show you how to:

· Work through the Eight Recovery Principles found in the Beatitudes. With Jesus Christ as your Higher Power, you can and will change!

· Live without drinking or using one day at a time with the help of the Higher Power, Jesus Christ.

· Stop relying on dysfunctional, compulsive, and addictive behaviors as a temporary “fix” for pain.


Food Addiction

Find support for any and all food issues and focus on strengthening your relationship with God. This will provide freedom from the on-going internal battle with food. You can expect to become closer to God through His Word, the Recovery Principles and the love and support of other women.

The Problem

· Throughout our lives many of us have turned to food to ease our pain or fear.

· We felt comfort in eating and found ourselves turning to food whenever we were hurt, angry or frustrated.

· Food became our comforter, our friend.


The Solution

· We came to realize that we are powerless and can not control our addiction to food.

· We are ready to face our denial and accept the truth about our lives and our food addiction.

· We are ready to accept responsibility for our actions and make Jesus the Lord of our lives.

· We are dedicated to learning about healthy eating.

Sexual Addiction

Female sexual addition is an addiction to using
our sexuality for the wrong reasons with the wrong people.


As women, sexual addiction is unique. Our behavior ranged from sex with self, phone sex, cyber sex, and pornography. We engaged in promiscuity, illicit relationships, and multiple-adultery. For some of us it was exotic dancing, escort services and prostitution. We used our bodies, intentionally dressed provocatively, and performed for others, creating an illusion that gave us a false sense of self-worth.

The Problem

We were addicted to the intrigue, the tease, and the forbidden. We jeopardized our relationships, jobs, morals and values; we even neglected our children. All the while, we rationalized our sexual behaviors. We carried this behavior from relationship to relationship and even into our marriages.

The Solution

· Commit to Jesus Christ and the Eight Recovery Principals.

· Identify triggers.

· Accept God’s standards for sexuality.

· Allow God total access to our minds (thought life) and through the program change your belief system related to your sexuality.


This Group is also for you if you struggle with

  • Shopping Addiction
  • Gambling Addiction
  • Eating Disorders
  • Smoking
  • Any other Addictive Habits
  • Any other Compulsive Behaviors










We meet every Friday night

7:00-9:00 p.m.

at...Zion United Church of Christ

201 North Potomac Street 
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740

Email: CelebrateRecovery@CMHAg.org







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